Following our very successful tag competition we decided to continue question pushes to get us toward the generalist badge. So far we have had 5 editions of the weekly tag challenge:
- Tags of the week! April 1-7, 2019: Poetry & Non-Fiction — RESULTS
- Tags of the week! April 8-14, 2019: Punctuation & Naming — RESULTS
- Tags of the week! April 15-21, 2019: Planning & Translation - RESULTS
- Tags of the week! April 22-28, 2019: Essay & Marketing — RESULTS
- Tags of the week! April 29-May 5, 2019: Research & Book
Participation in the tag challenge has dropped off each week. Similarly our question per day has fallen a long way. Bottoming out below 3/day before recovering this week. I was hoping to work out why our tag challenges struggle to get the same involvement.
I have a few ideas:
- People find that only 2 tags is restrictive
- No prize means people are not motivated
- Competition hangover is still going on and active users are taking time away from the site
- Low meta participation means not many users know about it
Basically if you are a regular user of the site and not participating in the tag competition I would love to hear why. And if possible what would make you more likely to participate.