Since we only have 23 tags that have over 200 questions (but 4 that are close to that) and about 3 close to bronze-tag-possible status (100 questions), perhaps we have a "Theme" of the week, to push questions?
No prizes, but perhaps a little community encouragement?
I'd propose we alternate between a week of a nearly-200Q tag, a week of a 50-80Qs tag, a week of a near-100Qs, and then another week of 50-80s? When there are more mid-100s, they can get a week in there too. Get a few across the finish line, and slowly work on "bulking up" some of the other categories?
This may also help us not have a precipitous DROP from the question drive contest, and demonstrate a sustainable level?
I just checked Area 51, and at 10:55AM(EDST), our Q average has dropped to 9.7