Effective immediately, I am taking a leave of absence from StackExchange.
This time of year is a very difficult one for me, for reasons that pre-date and are unrelated to my time at SE. Chances were good I'd need to take a brief leave anyway, but no one but the other moderators would have known, because the four of us were such a strong team that everything would be taken care of.
But now the SE corporation has fired one of our moderators—one of the best moderators on the entire site—and the other two have resigned. And several of our most active users have also stepped away. I support each of them and honor their choices.
Being the sole moderator of a busy stack is more difficult than people realize (there is a lot of moderator work users don't see) but, with the community's help, the workload was manageable.
There is nothing manageable about the mess the SE corporation has created.
If the SE corporation had aspired to create a place where bigots felt emboldened and a space where homophobes felt they had a platform, they could not have done a better job.
Mind you, bigotry has always been on Writing.SE and other stacks. But I felt safe. Safe as a woman, safe as a Jew, safe as a disabled person, safe as a member of the Lavender community. Monica's moderation was a huge part of that. Not just here but on three other stacks where I am...was active. Our other moderators have also worked to make Writing.SE the safe space that it is...was.
The SE corporation (while wrapped in the false flag of diversity) has shattered any illusion that they respect me as a Jew (given the timing of what they've done to Monica). They claim firing Monica was to keep Lavender users (specifically trans users) safe. Yet they've unleashed a torrent of vitriol against every single one of us.
I may pop in and out. I may not read at all. I may return after Yom Kippur. I may wait until the SE corporation owns its mistakes and makes them right (a day which might never come).
My staying on as a moderator was never for the SE corporation. I stayed because I value this community. And I apologize to each of you for leaving Writing.SE without moderation.
But for my own personal safety, I need to step away.