I have a podcast/audiobook question, but it's about voice-acting choices, so I know it doesn't go here.
Is there an acting-type Stack?
The question is basically, when reading an audiobook, especially a long one, and one's the only narrator, do they change voices all the time, in real time?
Like for Harry Potter, does it go like
in one long recording session...
Narrator in narration voice: and then Ron said,
Narrator in Ron's Voice: Harry's my best friend!
Narrator back in narration voice: which made Harry very happy.
Or is it more like
Narrator in narration voice: and then Ron said [long pause] which made Harry very happy.
Narrator in Ron's Voice, at a later recording session: Harry's my best friend! [long pause] I hate Draco! [long pause] Snape is mean. [long pause] Quidditch! "
I know it's more editing work to do dialog/characters separately, but is it worth it for character consistency?
Is there a home for this sort of question on SE? Thanks!