I noticed that we have both children and young-author
children has the following tag wiki excerpt, my boldface:
Writing for children to read, or questions about children who write.
young-author has the following tag wiki excerpt, again my boldface:
For questions about issues specifically encountered by young authors. Don't use this just because you're young; only use this if your question is specific to young authors. If you are asking about the young adult genre, use [young-adult] instead.
Do we really want both? There seems to be considerable overlap between the two, especially given that the boundary between "children" and "young" isn't clear.
Might we want to rename the children tag to, say, childrens-stories, restrict it to questions about writings for children to read, and fold the other half of the tag into young-author?
If we want to keep both as they are, how can we clarify the difference between the two? (When would I use children and when would I use young-author on a question?)
How does the community feel?