Something I've recognized since I've started to be more active again is that it feels like some 80% or so of new posts get downvoted, often pretty fast after being posted. Most of the time I can't find anything in the posts that is so wrong with them that it deserves a downvote. In fact I find that many of the really good answers I am reading lately get a downvote at first. I've also had a few and I feel like this is discouraging for the people who provide in-depth answers. 

Obviously it's up to everyone to up- or downvote according to their own opinion. And it's up to anyone to downvote without explaining it. I won't start a discussion in the direction of "You must leave a comment when downvoting". I don't want something like that, I just want to understand why so many good questions and answers are being downvoted immediately. Did some important on-topicness rules change in the last half a year or so? I couldn't find anything when searching through meta and I've seen other users asking themselves something similar. I don't remember seeing such a pattern when I had been active before. 

It also doesn't seem like this is a specific target. It's across multiple topics, it's across multiple users, it's across high and low rep, it's across short and long questions and answers, it's across fantasy and technical writing...

I could also understand if it had something to do with really popular questions. HNQs often get a couple downvotes just because there is a whole lot of users that see it so someone at some point will probably find something they don't like. 

One example I just randomly picked from the frontpage is [Does it really serve a main character to give them one driving want?]( Every single post, question and answers, has exactly one downvote and it's only been viewed 65 times. Roughly ten percent of the views come from people who interacted with the question. Judging by my past experience there shouldn't be this many downvotes for a topic like this. I can understand if people downvote everything related to torture on WorldBuilding.SE, but this just strikes me as a weird pattern. 

Did something change that I am not aware of? It just feels like far more downvotes lately than before and far more than the traffic on the site would imply.