I've been asking some questions on Writers SE recently and one thought that came to my mind was genres - There appears to be tons of genres, and there will probably be lots of questions that use genres as tags. I envision that if a clear plan is not put into place, the whole tagging system would be disorganised and a mess. (You would get fantasy-books, fantasy, genre-fantasy, fantasynovels, novels-fantasy, ...)
Should there be a direct hierarchy system for genres?
My suggestions:
- Genre-[Genre Name]
For example: Genre-Fantasy, or Genre-Horror.
- [Genre Name] (Genre)
Example: Fantasy (Genre)
Going on with this idea, would it be necessary to setup a similar system for different types of literature? For example, prose, short stories, poetry, fan-fiction(?), ... (Writing does take place when you write in different formats.)
What do you guys think?