We don't do critiques
Posting an exert of your writing and asking for feedback or help fixing it will be closed as off topic. We also don't do requests for rephrasing or problem solving specific sentences.
We help solve writer's problems
What we can do however, is provide advise on maintaining a consistent tone in your writing. Our close reason for writing critiques says:
While questions that use your writing to illustrate a point in the question are fine, requests for writing critiques are off-topic here. For more information, see Does Writing.SE accept critique requests?
If you read the meta linked there you will see the difference between a critique question and using your writing as an example of your problem.
Following that advice you could ask a question like this:
How can I improve the consistency of my tone?
I have a common issue that effects all of my writing. The tone of my narration is inconsistent within a given work. For example I wrote:
[Example of your writing here]
I have tried [X, Y, Z...] to resolve it but it still happens.
How can I improve the consistency of my tone?
Answers will focus on technique you can use to improve your writing, instead of trying to re-write the passage for your with a more consistent tone.