I have been informed that using the Writing Meta site as a Sandbox is allowed. If not, let me know and I'll make some structural changes. Here's the question:
When writing a fictional world, is it okay to use words of a different real-world language than that of which you are already using. Example:
Referring to a sword as a katana. "Katana" is a Japanese word, and my story takes place in a fictional world where English is the language, among other, fictional languages.
Here's the other word: "Casus Belli", meaning "Cause for War" in Latin. The reason for my wondering is that these have etymological origins in the REAL WORLD, and there is really no explanation for why a character would deviate from the "English" language in the fantasy world to say these words, as that world never had a samurai period in Japan or a Rome.
So, is this fit for Writing SE, or is it fit for Worldbuilding.