Nigh three weeks ago, we made official our request to exit beta.
During this time, efforts have been made to keep attention on the request: @ChrisSunami offered a bounty on the question in order for it to gain more attention, and I have been making edits to it in order to keep it on the first page.
As of yet, we have received neither "yea" nor "nay".
All we've heard is that four years ago the admins started discussing breaking graduation into distinct parts.
This doesn't help us. First, because the discussion is four years old, and it is not clear what progress has been made on it. Second, and more important, it does not answer when or whether we can have any of the parts of graduation. This is further frustrating since all features of graduation except for the graphic design are not custom-per-site, and therefore could be done easily. Nonetheless, we have been begging for the most minor of those elements (the removal of the 'beta' label) for over a year now, to no avail.
All in all, we are being ignored.
Which begs the question: how do we escalate?
To start, as you can see, I have changed my profile picture to this:
Please go ahead and join me in doing this, so our desire to graduate is visible everywhere, and to everyone. Let's colour Writing.SE red! (Also, if someone has a smidgeon of experience with graphics, and can make this banner look better, it would be great.)