I'm up for it! Great way to slam out a first draft of the novella I've been researching/preparing.
It's a modern take on Conrad's Heart of Darkness [which explains some of my Conrad-related posts on the main Writing site ;-) ], where my "Marlow" is a successful suburban man driven to rough sleeping by personal tragedy, and undertakes his own metaphoric river journey from his camp under an inner-urban bridge, down the main river to the heart of the city, where he's introduced to a Kurtz-like figure - mysterious, charismatic, powerful, likeable, corrupt, dangerous - and is finally forced to confront his inner demons (his own heart of darkness).
I'm itching to start writing, but I also like the idea of a time-limited challenge, so I'll happily hang out till 1 Nov. I love the idea of a whole month of intense feverish writing, and I also desperately need to complete something so I can get my loving family & friends off my back! - "how's your writing going, have you written anything yet?" gets a bit tiring when you get the same question at least weekly...