Okay, I've had this for a while, and after seeing user-487's profile I realised that maybe reputation doesn't matter as much as I thought.
The last line of his profile translates to:
I used my time to come here to help people study Chinese, not for the illusion of reputation...
It just trails off from there. So, I am pretty obsessed with reputation myself. I find myself in endless competition with the user mbakeranalecta, for he gains reputation way faster than I do. The last time I looked, he had 2,000 reputation, and now like... 7 gazillion! User what has a ton of reputation too, I'm definitely having a little reputation race with that user too.
Every day I think: time to return to writer's SE, on my epic conquest for reputation! Ahh, I'll collect up those little golden points by the dozen today.
So, I've only got 4 badges which is pretty surprising considering I've collected 1,082 reputation!Haha, if that's not something to boast about, what is?! I think 1,082 reputation is pretty good, I was so overjoyed when I reached 1,000. Hopefully soon I'll get to... 1,100!
Though, user-478's profile changed my mind... Am I right to be so competitive over reputation?
Should I get competitive over reputation? Should I continue my melee with mbakeranalecta, where his army of 6,000 reputation clashes blades with my army of 1,000 reputation? Is reputation just an illusion, as user-478 said it is?