One of the most important aspects of being a Stack Exchange site is quality. Yes, there are lots of metrics that one can use to "measure" a site, but we don't really care about those as much as we care about a site providing expert answers to good questions. To that end, we're introducing a self-evaluation to our sites!

This process is currently still in the midst of being put together, but you all are going to be a lucky early-adopter! Here's a rough guide:

  • Below, you'll find ten questions randomly selected from your site.
  • For each question, search the internet for the question as if you were the asker!
  • If our answer is good (complete, well-written, answers the question, found in search results, etc) then vote it up!
  • If our answer is bad (incomplete, poorly-written, off-topic, unfindable, etc) then vote it down!

Comment with anything you feel is worth noting, or to explain your voting choice. We have a rough guide to better/par/worse right here. If your result is par, make a choice to vote up or down based on your instincts!

Ultimately, remember that our goal is to make the internet a better place. If you find yourself torn between the options, or if you can't decide, ask yourself: does this question and/or answer make the internet better? That should help you decide.

This eval will close on March 21st! Get your answers in by then!


10 Answers 10


How to write realistic female dialogue

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?


Scientific Citation

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • 1
    Googling "citation format" readily turns up APA, MLA, Chicago, and Wikipedia, and a quick scan of those says there's not a single universal style (the question). However, tha answers to this question consolidate some of that information in one place. How should I vote? Mar 12, 2012 at 14:51
  • @MonicaCellio - that's an upvote to me.
    – justkt
    Mar 18, 2012 at 20:47

APA (sixth edition) citation for the Fourth Assessment Report

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?


Return to section context after a subsection

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • Hard to search for this question. I tried "formatting end subsection" and similar; got a lot of TeX answers but nothing on how the layout should visually look.
    – Standback
    Mar 11, 2012 at 14:54

How to further improve the flow and crispness in the essay?

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • 2
    As Standback indicated elsewhere, this is a critique question, and it's not really relevant to this. Nobody will be googling this question. Mar 13, 2012 at 2:19

Any good side-by-side editor for script translation?

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • Recommendation question, though its answer's pretty applicable.
    – Standback
    Mar 11, 2012 at 14:56

citation for source from which a list of references was drawn?

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?



Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • 4
    This question was closed as off-topic; I'm not sure it should be relevant to this survey.
    – Standback
    Mar 10, 2012 at 17:04

Do these starting paragraphs make you want to keep reading?

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • 4
    This is a critique question; highly localized by nature. Probably won't be searched for, and not addressed anywhere else. I think this question is n/a for our purposes.
    – Standback
    Mar 10, 2012 at 18:11
  • 1
    @Standback - we could compare critique questions to other critique sites (critters, etc.), but that would probably reflect badly on us since they exist to do critiques.
    – justkt
    Mar 18, 2012 at 20:48
  • @justkt - agreed. Even if critique is on-topic here, this isn't a critique site and we'll never be as good as sites dedicated to that purpose. Nor should we strive to be. Mar 19, 2012 at 14:42

Picture-based Identification Dictionary

Better than, worse than, or similar to other sites out there?

  • Googling "visual dictionary" gets some cool results.
    – Standback
    Mar 11, 2012 at 14:48

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